Friday, October 30, 2009

A Face Lift

Well i feel like i should some how customize the blog header since i am claiming to be a graphic designer these days. The art here is all based on the T shirts that we made to sell($10) to help reach the $5,000 goal for the orphanage. Here is what the design looks like. If your interested in the concept behind the design i'll share it with you. If not...scroll down past the image.
The "dove" is representative of the hope and encouragement that we are trying to bring to the villages there in Mae Sot. The dove is made up of hammers, saws, musical notes and instruments and eyeglasses. We are planned and produced 2 music concerts (hence the music notes and instruments) to help make our goal of $5,000. We are collecting the glasses to handout to villagers with bad eyesight. I am really looking forward to seeing the looks on there faces as they find glasses that help them see the world clearly. The shape behind the dove is of course Thailand. "Together For Thailand" you could call the mission statement. It's our hearts to help bring encouragement and love to those in Mae Sot.

You are as much a part of this Mission Trip as we are! I know there is no way that we could be making this trip with out your prayers and support and we hope that you know that. I am in the last stages of packing and preparing for the trip. The checklist i made today keeps growing as the hours keep shrinking! I am off to bed now up and at it again tomorrow. Tomorrow, im sure, will hold the last bit of cramming for everyone. Please do keep the spouses that are staying behind in your prayers. I know life will be different for them all as they go about there life while they wonder how their spouses are doing. I'm sure the novelty of baching it will wear off after the first week, or at least im going to keep telling myself that! Thanks for keeping them in your prayers as well. We all want to be reunited after this adventure is over!


Monday, October 26, 2009

5 Days & Counting

So the ground breaking has occurred and work begun on the little orphanage in Mae Sot. As exciting as it is to see some thing you are involved in take shape, its a little sad to know that you're not there growing blisters and callouses on your own hands. "Soon enough" i have to keep telling myself. I can say that this trip has already caused me to fell a gamut of emotions. The two strongest of these have been awe and humility. The best part of this...i haven't even left the country yet! I can't imagine what lay in store for us once we land. I say this on behalf of the entire Thailand Team, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I heard this weekend that we will be around for the handing over of the keys to the famly that will be running the orphanage. It's to take place on Saturday the 6th of November.
Some more pictures of the progress!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

Hey there everybody,
Got some photos of a few of the orphans that are calling Mae Sot home. These faces are why we are going over to Thailand! I am looking forward to putting names to these faces once we get there!

Ezekiel indicated the weather Thailand was getting a few weeks ago has not affected them. "No flood no tsunami no earthquick at all in my area," he says. I am really looking forward to hearing the language there, and hear Ezekiel and the students speak broken English. I'm sure there will be plenty of laughs traded between our team and the people of Mae Sot as we try and communicate. I hope they will forgive me if i slip up and address a man as a woman or something. Also hope that they trick me in to saying something real weird like,"I am a bearded lady and on good days i look like an elephant".

We had our final meeting before leaving tonight. We packed up the suitcases with the supplies that to be checked and went over this Sunday. The Thailand Team is leading the service this Sunday to inform in more detail the who, what, when, where and whys of the trip to the church here at Cape Fear.

Here is another photo Ezekiel sent to encourage us about the events that are happening and the lives that are changing there in Mae Sot.

The butterflies are rumbling a little more than last week this evening! I started packing the art supplies, ie camera, sketchbook, watercolors, pens and pencils tonight. I probably am kidding myself to think that i'll be able to get to all of that while there, but i'd rather have it and use it once than leave it here and wish i had it everyday!

till next time


Monday, October 19, 2009

< 2 weeks

We leave in 13 days for our journey to Mae Sot, Thailand.
Been trying to learn some Thai before we arrive there in the land of smiles. It's a little slow going but well see what i can pull off. Here are some links that i have been checking out and listening to.

I am going to be taking along some cameras (film & digital) on the trip as well as some sketchbook materials. I'll try to upload shots and stories of the adventures as often as i can. I'm told there is internet access so i should be able to upload shots and stories and info for you guys to check out. The most resent update is that the ground has been broken for the orphanage and work started to maximize the efforts of the team while in Mae Sot.

Thanks again for all that prayers and support! This trip would not have been possible without you all behind the team.