The "dove" is representative of the hope and encouragement that we are trying to bring to the villages there in Mae Sot. The dove is made up of hammers, saws, musical notes and instruments and eyeglasses. We are planned and produced 2 music concerts (hence the music notes and instruments) to help make our goal of $5,000. We are collecting the glasses to handout to villagers with bad eyesight. I am really looking forward to seeing the looks on there faces as they find glasses that help them see the world clearly. The shape behind the dove is of course Thailand. "Together For Thailand" you could call the mission statement. It's our hearts to help bring encouragement and love to those in Mae Sot.

You are as much a part of this Mission Trip as we are! I know there is no way that we could be making this trip with out your prayers and support and we hope that you know that. I am in the last stages of packing and preparing for the trip. The checklist i made today keeps growing as the hours keep shrinking! I am off to bed now up and at it again tomorrow. Tomorrow, im sure, will hold the last bit of cramming for everyone. Please do keep the spouses that are staying behind in your prayers. I know life will be different for them all as they go about there life while they wonder how their spouses are doing. I'm sure the novelty of baching it will wear off after the first week, or at least im going to keep telling myself that! Thanks for keeping them in your prayers as well. We all want to be reunited after this adventure is over!