Got an update from Ezekiel about some on goings there in Thailand. Wanted to pass them along to you. Most of this is straight from Ezekiel, so forgive the broken or wordy english.
On May 9, we had eight new believers were baptized at #48 Church of Christ. (i believe this is the same village that we visited and called Kilometer 48 village while we were in Thailand) Please keep this new Christians in your prayers so that they will continue to grow their faith in Christ.
During April 8 to 13, we had one week Bible study Seminar among Burmese Christian youth in Myawadee Gospel Center and Maesot Bible School. Both places many new Burmese Christians arrived to attended in the seminar. In this two seminar, Moses, Philip and Yohan and their youth leaders had taught to over a hundred Christian youth. Many non-Christians also attended with Christians. Both places won souls for Christ. At Myawadee, four non-Christians accepted Jesus as their own Savior and Lord and baptized by Yohan and an elder in their Church. Please keep Myawadee Gospel Center and the new baptized in that congregation.
Moses also had baptized nine new believers since April 14 to last week May 9. They are all converted from idol worship to Christ. Please keep this new Christians in your prayers. The Burmese refugee meet very difficult life in Thailand. They are so poor . No good shelter, no food, no good health, no good security for themselve. They always work for a rice bowl on Thai farmers land and live on farm with a whole family. Until they die by different kinds of sickness, they can not go to see doctors because they have no ligal paper. (I am assuming the living conditions are much like those of The Orange Village that we visited atop the hills of Mae Sot)
Moses and my daughter Leah taking care them through preach the gospel, take to doctors who are sick and, supply a lunch every Lord's day when the new Christian come to worship to God at MBTC. To feed a lunch also a necessary for these poor refugee. Therefore, their ministry among Burmese need finance support for medical fund and food supplies for refugee. Please keep this needs and new Christians in your prayers.
Four evangelists are already left from Putao, on their way to northeast Burma, along on Burma-China border. They will be back to their home Putao, northern Burma some time at the end of October. They will be traveling on foot for nearly six months through very high snow mountains and deep valleys. Please keep this four evangelists in your prayers.
Please continue keep the students and teachers in your prayers. The classes started two weeks ago. Teachers and students are in good health. Every one is working hard on their teaching and studies. However, on the physical way all the people in Thailand has a big depression and stress because the political problem at this time. This year is the most difficult year in Thailand as I saw in thirty six years. The political situation is so bad at this time. There are no peace in the hearts of civilian. Every body has a big worry and fear for future life in Thailand. Under martial law is not happy for any body. Not easy to travel one place to another. There are so many check points along the high ways. Some private TV channel signals block/shut down by authorities and some local radio stations those run by private company also the same. In Bangkok, the troops and demonstrators fighting day and night. A lot of innocent people lost their life every minute. Please pray special for Thailand at this time so that God will save Thailand from political crisis and restore peace again.
We are praying to God to get a ten acre of land or more in Burma side to start a Biblical Training Center. This is tremendously need to extend wider our ministry in that area to give biblical training for the new preachers and leaders. Then, they will go out to their own people in their are to share Jesus with their relatives. No Bible School is in this lower part of Burma. If we have a place of Biblical Training Center in that area, I hope we can establish many new Churches among the Burmese and many other tribes such as Karen, Pa-U. Please pray for this new vision. One acre will costs $1,000 at this time.
We thank you so very much for your finance support, your prayers and your never ending Christian love then and now.
Yours in Christ,
Ezekiel Fish
One thing i do remember from my visit to Thailand is no brand is safe from being reproduced and sold in the markets. Also most brands done hold any value other than "Hey, its American, or looks American." As you can see by the Playboy bunny on this chaps shirt. He probably has no idea what Playboy even is.

This, I am assuming is the land that Ezekiel is look to purchase to continue to build on. Yeah, it don't look like much but i have seen the wonders that Ezekiel can do with "not much". Pretty impressive.
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