(Its tomorrow now and i tried again without any issues so here are the pictures.)
I am still going through many of the photos and trying to catalog the images and stories to share with you all. I have picked a couple more for the trip up to the Orange Tree Village atop the fields of rice and corn. The medical team had been out there all day at the top of this village. They had seen about 70 people when i arrived about 2 or so. Thats a lot of people to see in a few hours. I know Julie comes home whipped after seeing 35 new patients a day. Granted there is phones ringing and paperwork, but thats still moving a lot of people. Dr. Joe we missed you and your help, but i think that you would have been very proud of Bill, Gale, Jane and Wynn as they stepped there game up and handled all that was thrown at them. Which was more than we were expecting. A lot of people were treated!
Chuck had asked me if i would like to go along to take some more supplies up to the village. I was a little hesitant due to the schedule on the house, but decided that i could use a break and experience what the others were dealing with. I am so very glad that i did! It was a complete shock! I had hears Matt, and bill talking a few times as well as Jane and Gail about the sights they were seeing but it didnt have a face to me. Once i arrive at the village it had a face to me! It also had a smell and sounds that i bee working through personally for some time.
I saw these peoples kitchen, standing water where the chickens and dogs were walking around in eating out of the pots and probably tracking in all kinds of wonderful germs and bacteria.
I heard Jane say that she saw the lady they treated for skin rashes on her arms and hands stirring the lunch and serving it out on to the "plates". Sorta makes you nauseous huh?!

Up at the village there is not a lot of word of mouth that take place. However the day before there was quite the opposite happening.The way it was working was people were getting help and medical attention and going back across the River to Burma and telling others. They would then jump in the boat and come over. This is where the team saw a gambit of conditions. There was one boy that came out that had the heel of his foot literally ripped of. This was due to a motorcycle/moped accident. The heel got caught in the spokes and yeah, make me skin crawl with out a picture. but we have one coming.
It was pretty amazing to look out over this river and know that the other side was Burma . People were pretty set on getting to the meds.

The skid row shirt was a high point in the day as it added some much needed comic relief.

Well i am really tired an it is 2 am here wed morning so i should try and sleep some before another big day.
I look forward to seeing you all soon and sharing some more in person.
glad i got it workin gotta run.
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