Hello all,
Many of you know that Cape Fear is making another mission trip this year. For those of you that do not know this, here is the scoop.
The team and i will be heading out to Crimea, Ukraine. We will be teaming up with a church, Living Vine Christian Church, that Chuck and Karen helped plant back 16 or so years ago. Vadim and his wife Lena Provozyuk are minister/leading the church now.
The work done there in Crimea will be helping supply folks with hospital supplies, since you pretty much have to supply your own when you visit the hospital there in Crimea. A second part of the mission is to bring some man power to building an addition and fixing up an existing home in which the Shalbetskay family lives. The Shalbetskay's adopt children with physical and/or mental disabilities. Currently there are 14 people living in and old, small and falling apart home. It is our goal to make some renovations happen.

I'd like to share a letter that we got and some photos of the Shalbetskay family and a translation for those of us that don't read or write Ukraine
Родители воспитывают детей с 1991 года.За это время в гостях семьи на каникулах и праздниках с интернатов побывало около 30 детей.Старшие дети уже выросли и имеют своих детей.Родители не взяли не одного здорового ребенка.Все дети имели либо физические либо умственые недостатки.Обучаются во 2 школе искусств.Либо танцуют либо играют на музыкальных инструментах.
My parents started taking in kids in 1991. At that time the kids would come to our house from the orphanage home on school holidays and vacation, around 30 kids. The older ones taken in are already grown with kids of their own. My parents never took one healthy child. All of the kids we take either have some physical disability or mental disability. We have the kids involved with two special schools and they can choose to learn either dance, or play musical instruments.
Спасибо большое за то, что ты не остался равнодушным к нашим проблемам.Спасибо за молитвы.Мы тоже молимся.
Thanks a lot that you have not abandoned us and forgotten our problems. Thanks for your prayers, we also pray for you.
С любовью семья Шалбецких.
With love, the Shalbetskay family.

Теперь на счет имен.
Here is the list of names.
самая маленькая Лиза ей 1г и 3 месяца.
The youngest is Liza, she is 1 yr. 3 months.

Девочка которая играет на пианино Аня ей 5 лет.
The girl playing the piano is Anya - 5 yrs.

Новые дети:Оля 8 лет и Коля 6лет.
New kids (just brought home) Olga, 8, and Kolya 6
на скрипке играет Настя 8лет.
Nastia is playing the violin.

Мальчики:Федя и Леша по 12 лет.
There are 2 boys, Fedya and Losha who are 12.
Лиза с кудрявыми волосами 15 лет.
Another Liza with curly hair who is 15.

Вика Балет 15 лет. И Ира:)
Vika doing ballet is 15.

And Ira J (Ira is a natural Shalbetskay, as is Lena who wrote the letter. Lena is married with a child named Artyom and she and the baby live at the house as well.)

I hope that seeing the face of those we are going to serve will allow you to keep them in your prayers. There will be plenty more posts coming and more photos im sure from the trip.
Thanks for partnering with The Crimea Team and praying for us and the family and lives that we will meet and love on.
Blessed to be a part of this and grateful for your support and prayers.